Thank you for sharing your memories of Ken - it really does help reading all the ways he impacted peoples' lives. He was SUCH a good person, like a fairy godfather and the most quietly interesting person any of us are likely to ever meet.

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First, my condolences! Second, my apologies for not saying anything until now.

Thank you for sharing his story & your story. Reading this post, it is a wonderful reminder that we do not know what others are facing or have faced in their lives. Reaching out for help & to help is hard, but can be what we & our society needs. Even if in small ways, the little connections can create ripples/webs that make all stronger, better.

Peace, my friend, & thank you for doing what you can to improve this world for those around you.

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You and I have matching scars to remind us of those crazy times. Good times. Sure is going to be strange knowing Ken isn't on this planet any longer. Love you Jeff! 💖

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